Students and Staff Anticipate an Open Campus This Fall
(Photo Credit: Lehman College's Facebook page)
By Rebekah Gamble
As registration for the Fall 2021 semester approaches, Lehman College students are forming opinions about the upcoming semester. When the 37-acre campus closed in March 2020, it was the last time that thousands of students laid foot in the college.
The Spring 2021 semester included 90% of all classes being taught online but the approaching Fall 2021 semester will allow for more in person classes.
In an email to faculty sent in March, Interim CUNY Executive Vice Chancellor and University Provost, Daniel Lemons stated, “The occupancy of each space will be adjusted to its particular characteristics. Some of our spaces have 100 percent outside air entering and high room air changes per hour, allowing higher than 50 percent occupancy. Other rooms may require lower than 50 percent occupancy due to their size and air distribution pattern.”
For some, this is exactly the news they were waiting to hear. Christopher Cabrea, a 21-year-old junior Exercise Science major, stated, “I’m nervous but I can’t wait for in person classes because I learn better.” When asked how he felt about wearing a mask for long periods of time he stated “I don’t mind wearing a mask since I’m used to it. I just hope other students can say this so we have a better chance at staying safe everywhere on campus.”
Whether the community will be safe for return is a concern for other students as well. The New York Times reported, that due to proactive safety measures as of April 8th, there were 4,178 cases. This is 20% less reported cases than the previous 14 days.
It begs the question of how a campus that previously had up to 15,000 excited students, plans to comply with NY safety standards, once 50% of classes are held in person. This will largely be the responsibility of staff members to make the departments safe environments.
Some of the busiest departments include Bursar, Financial Aid, and The Admissions Departments. Abigail Laryea, an Undergraduate Admissions counselor, expressed her own feelings of caution and anticipation for the Fall 2021 semester. She stated “My department will allow for staggered schedules so that we are complying with the CDC guidelines at all times. I trust that the precautions I plan to take in regards to sanitizing and the administration as a whole will promote safety.”
Which classes are offered in-person are a top priority for Rebeca Aragon, a junior Biology major. She stated, “I’m so thrilled that our campus is finally going to open. Until everyone is vaccinated we should still take safety precautions. I look forward to having my labs in person, but I’m still not comfortable being in a large lecture setting yet.”
One thing is for sure: it will take a collective effort to make the campus a safe space for everyone.